Test your
page using the spider simulator.
only read the relevant words in a webpage. These words
can be visualized with our spider simulator.
Enter your URL and test your page title and
keyword and description metatags. This service is offered
by Searchengineworld.com.

The title, keywords and description meta tags test
The page title of a web page should not have
more than 60 characters. The keywords tag must have
a maximum length of 874 characters, including spaces
etc.. A keyword meta tag should not use keywords that
are repeated more than three times. So do not add a
keyword tag like <yellow flowers, red flowers, blue
flowers, purple flowers>. The description tag has
a max size of 150 characters.
Enter your URL and test your page title and
keyword and description metatags. This service is offered
by Scrubtheweb.com.
For more information on meta
tags go back to step 2.

The link popularity
Check the link popularity of your Website
on Altavista, Fast and MSN using Marketposition.com.
You can also check the Multi-lingual linkpopularity
(links from sites in different languages to your website)
using the tools of Sitelynx.com;
For more information on linkpopularity
go back to step 2.
